You can trust Raeyco to maintain the optimal performance of your pipettes. We are a leading provider of accredited pipette calibration and repair services. Our goal is to minimize any measurement uncertainty by ensuring the accuracy of your pipette.
We offer service packages tailored to the unique needs of every customer. Pipette calibrations can be performed in our calibration lab or at your facility.
Raeyco performs calibrations in compliance with ISO 17025:2017 and all standards are traceable to the International System of Units (SI) through National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or another National Metrology Institute (NMI).
We offer a convenient drop off or mail-in service to ship your pipettes to our calibration lab along with a work order form and return shipping label.
Performed at your facility. No disruption to your workflow, you can continue your lab important work while we set up the calibration or repair your pipettes. No downtime.
Raeyco is committed to quality and offers many levels of pipette calibration according to your needs and budget:
Everything in basic plus:
Everything in gold plus:
Everything in platinum plus:
Raeyco offers nationwide pipette calibration services both on-site and in-house. Our highly trained technicians will calibrate your pipettes either in your facility or in our calibration lab. You can ship your pipettes in batches or request on-site work to maximize your pipettes by minimizing your downtime.
Assurance that measurement tools are accurate
Identification of non-conformances that require attention
An extended lifecycle for your equipment
Pipettes are one of the most utilized instruments in the scientific and medical fields. These instruments work by aspirating a volume of liquid from one source and releasing the specific amount to another container. Pipettes were designed to transfer precise amounts of liquid between one or more containers. They come in various types and designs with different levels of accuracy. Sometimes your instrument may need to undergo a pipette calibration or repair to deliver the most accurate measurement.
To achieve the most precise results with your work, a high degree of accuracy is required. Don’t let your work suffer because of a faulty pipette!
The calibration of pipettes is carried out by the gravimetric method as per ISO 8655. When determining the volume of water, the accuracy of measurements is affected by ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, and relative humidity. These factors are usually combined to give the Z factor, used in calculation of volume of water.
According to the Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), you should calibrate your pipettes every 3–6 months or before they’re put into service. If you fail to do so, pipette readings may become inaccurate and unreliable.
The main objective of pipette calibration is to make sure that dispensing is carried out with the intended accuracy.
Raeyco offers both options, but on-site calibration may be more appropriate if you have a large number of pipettes. Pipettes can be easily shipped to either our B.C. or Ontario offices for calibration in our lab.
The most common way to check your pipette accuracy is by weighing water. The density of water is 1 g/mL. Z correction factors take into account water density and air buoyancy during weight at the corresponding test temperature. As the measured values (in g) are balance readings, a correction taking into account water density and air buoyancy is used as per ISO 8655.
We service all brands of Pipette. The most common pipettes we calibrate are: